Tuesday 7 February 2012

Bollywood Rehearsal

Today's lesson was just a rehearsal lesson because some people weren't in so it would have been difficult to add anything new to our dance in as they would miss out. So we decided to plan what would be suitable for us to wear on the day of there recording. We decided it would be best if we kept it simple and everyone brought in a simple Indian scarf to wrap around them. For the rest of the lesson we practiced the dance a couple of times and later had some of the media teachers  watch us do the whole routine and give us feedback. They had said that we had improved a lot as a class since the first time they came to watch us near the beginning when we were still in the process of getting the routines together.
It was good to get feedback as  we could see where we could improve individually. I was told that i had to concentrate and keep in time with the music. Also I had to make sure i knew exactly when to change positions  so that in the middle of the routine i don't get lost and look like i don't know what i am doing as this can cost me a good grade. I think it was helpful to get the criticism because i didn't notice this myself so know i knew where to improve.

Line Dance Recording Lesson

This was the lesson we were going to record our final dance routine. We had to bring in all costumes such as checked shirts, jeans and scarfs to make it look like we were real line dancers and to set the scene. After getting into our costumes, we practiced the line dance a several times before actually recording. To make the routine perfect we had Miss Eyres come into our session and watch us dance, she then gave us feedback and criticised us that we didn't look like we were having fun. She also said that we had to exaggerate our moves to look like we were enjoying ourselves. These comments were good because it made our performance better and it would help us get better marks. After rehearsing a few more times in the drama studio , we did our perfected dance routine and miss recorded us from different angles. 

After this, we felt we had to do the dance a couple more times outside to make the film more clear and also we felt that we could have done the routine a lot than better the first time. So we went outside the second lesson where we took pictures in our costumes and film the routine in a professional routine.  By doing the dance outside some of us got distracted and paranoid because we felt people were watching us so this slowed us down and we were missing steps. Because of this we decided to keep the recording we did inside as this was a lot more focused and everyone looked a lot more better. 

Line Dance Dress Rehearsal

After rehearsing our routine many times and making sure everyone was confident with all the steps, Miss Hainstock decided to do a dress rehearsal where everyone was asked to bring Line dancing costumes and dress up like cowboys. It was exciting to see everyone dressing up and doing the dance. We all had different coloured checked shirts and a scarfs as this is what people in youtube videos wore. there was a problem with cowboy hats as there wasn't enough so people who didn't have one had to pretend they had one in their hands. While doing the dress rehearsal, Miss Hainstock made up a few steps in the dance where the hat was required such as when we did our shuffle step, we had to take our hats on and off and do the step. At first this was quite confusing as this was a whole new step added to the routine, but after doing the routine around 4 times all the way around, most of the people had got the routine. 
For it to be fair, we took it in turns to do the routine with the hats for those who didn't have one. But in the actual recording lesson, i think i felt more comfortable doing the routine without the hat because i thought if i didn't have the hat then it wouldn't be obvious when i did a step wrong.  I think because we had practiced the line dancing routine so many times, that even though it was a lot harder than the bollywood dance, we were more prepared for this routine to be recorded.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Line Dancing 2

In our second lesson, for the first half of the lesson, we practiced our line dancing steps as a class and then individually when we couldn't do a certain step. We got into pairs and helped each other, most people were stuck on the box steps so sara and rhenee helped us. For the other half of our lesson Mr Chapman told us to go online research our own dance steps that we can all put towards our routine. This was quite fun because we had control over what we could put towards the dance routine.

For the last 20 minutes of the lesson each member of our group, had to come up with 1 move each and then demonstrate it to the rest of the class to see if it would be suitable for the routine and if it fits with our song.
It was fun to have a member of our class take lead and show us there dance moves. Although some of the moves were quite hard, we decided to include most of them in our routine.

Monday 30 January 2012

Line Dance Evalutation

After we finished our line dancing performance, we looked  at our filmed performances and were told to look at our own performance and evaluated our own performance as well as how well the group did as a whole.
As i watched my self perform i  evaluated how i could make myself better and improve my stage presence. one of the things that could have been improved was that i did not put enough effort into my performance and i did not look too interested whereas line dance is all about having fun and enjoying yourself even though you may look stupid.  To improve my performance i could have exaggerated my moves and smiled more. Also another thing is that i missed some of the steps due to lack of concentration, this may have been because i wasn't confident with my performance and didn't want to draw attention to myself. To improve my concentration, i should practice the dance more and make sure they are perfect so that i gave more confidence in my performance and have fun.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Lesson 1- Line Dancing

In our 1st dance lesson we had Mr. Chapman who helped us start off our first line-dancing move. The two dance moves that we accomplished were the Tush Push and the Grape Vine. Mr. Chapman was such a good teacher he seamed like a professional. At first the dance moves seamed quite hard at first but soon as we had practiced it with the music (beat it y Michael Jackson) we were getting the hand of it and soon it became enjoyable. I think it was definitely a lot harder than Bollywood dancing but i think it was a lot more fun. Although during the lesson we were getting distracted, because we kept laughing at the others. In the first lesson we learnt the dance steps by using tutorials from you tube which I have posted on separate blogs. It was a lot harder learning them off you tube because they were going a lot faster whereas when Mr. Chapman taught us he went with our pace so we were able to keep up with him.

On the 2nd lesson we taught Mr. Hainstocks what we had done and she was very proud of us. In that lesson we practiced the whole thing a couple of times after making it perfect and then we started to put more dance moves together and then suddenly Miss andress came in and we showed her our performance and she applauded it. Soon we were able to go through the whole thing without making mistakes. It was a very exciting lesson as we were able to fuse Miss hainstocks ideas as well as the moves from you tube. I had a lot of fun in this lesson

Line Dancing- Grape Vine